Extravagant Fool

In the fall of 2008, after a decade of hard work, Kevin had a successful business, high income, great investments and no bad debt. By January 09, within 100 days, He’d lost it all, was in overwhelming debt, and his entire financial structure had collapsed squarely on him and his family. Ten years of effort left him with nothing it seemed, but guilt, fear, and shame.

By January 2009, he was left with a choice: Do what he had always done—work harder. Or, let go of conventional thinking, and live literally by faith in God, to see where it would lead him. In the face of lawsuits, foreclosures, and potential homelessness, with his family looking to him for immediate answers, Kevin, in spite of enormous criticism from other Christians, took the radical position of stopping every effort to survive and resting instead at the feet of Jesus.

The Extravagant Fool is an underdog narrative where the reader has a front row seat to Kevin Adams’s breathtaking journey – one that builds chronologically through a very difficult four-year period. In a style akin to Blue Like Jazz, Kevin chronicles the events that unfold as he comes to know absolute helplessness, and the true meaning of intimacy with God – the only place where lasting freedom can be found.

The process is filled with obstacles that ironically, most of us rely on to navigate through life, such as logic, common sense, and fears we mistake for wisdom – obstacles that in the tradition of biblical heroes such as Noah, Moses, and Paul, can only be overcome by learning to listen to and courageously follow God’s specific desire for each of us as individuals. Completely letting go is a gamble that only The Extravagant Fool for God is willing to take, but one filled with the reward of miraculous breakthroughs, confirmations, and indisputable proof of God’s generosity.

And ultimately, through Kevin’s journey we are able to clearly see God’s loving desire to uniquely express Himself through every single one of us. Readers will emerge from this amazing story with a transformative new understanding of what it means to walk by faith.

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