Some Call it Foolishness. We Call it Faith.

After six years of living by faith and attempting to share the results, I am unconvinced that it’s any easier to outwardly express the pain of a difficult moment than it is to live by faith through that moment.

Mainly because seeking comfort is logical (the unspoken rule of popular Christian culture), while seeking the will of God at any cost is not. So for those with the task of publicly displaying their burdens in the name of encouragement, the risk is great that some who hear will simply not listen beyond their own understanding, and miss the point entirely.

But for the sake of those who will truly listen – for the sake of those who recognize that God will never say “Well done my good and financially secure servant” – we will continue to take that risk unflinchingly, and to seek His will at any cost by aiming to emulate the heroes of faith, rather than simply quoting them.

To that end, I believe it is necessary to continue by sharing the struggles we’ve faced since the launch of The Extravagant Fool, five months ago. As there have been moments for my wife and I that seem utterly cruel on the surface, but in the end have increased our trust in God so dramatically, that His presence has become as discernable in our home as an additional member of our family.

Thanks in advance for listening.

It’s a heckuva thing to walk into a bookstore, see your own name and title on the shelf – knowing that its message is encouraging people all over the world – and chuckle at the bitter irony of not being able to buy even a single copy for yourself, or more importantly, not being able to buy even a single bag of groceries for your family.

It’s a heckuva thing to receive phone calls of praise from powerful people – those who sell millions of books, and those who show up in movies – while reflecting on the fact that your son’s wedding is three days off, and you don’t have enough gas in your tank to get to there.

And it’s a heckuva thing indeed to carry these heartbreaking moments around, knowing you’ve done your Father’s will, but feeling like that kid who’s been sent to his room the one and only time he didn’t deserve it.

Just after the book launched in May, as people began buying and being challenged, encouraged, and even transformed by it (with hundreds of good reports stretching from our own backyard, to Canada, and the U.K.) the fiery darts of the enemy – betrayal, false accusations, and financial upheaval – began to fly relentlessly against our mind, will, and emotions, to discourage, depress and fatigue our position as living-proof-witnesses – that intimacy with God –is– worth any price.

And without warning or explanation:

  • Several close friends who’d declared the book a transformational read, and offered their full support, suddenly did an about-face, and severed all contact with my family.
  • We lost our income when I was fired by my wealthy employer, who, after reading my book, questioned its validity, and referred to it and me as ridiculous, and delusional.
  • By email I received additional accusations, character assassinations, and even a few threats, including one from an angry individual announcing that he was going to “hunt me down” after one of his family members who’d heard our story, decided to step out in faith.
  • A dear friend who’d planned on retaining my services for a writing project was forced to postpone it indefinitely when a devastating fire occurred in her home just days before the work was set to begin. She and her family were unharmed, but it left them with months of costly reconstruction, and left us with no extra income to help fill the gaps.
  • We lost the ability to cool our home in the nearly 100 degree summer heat, when inexplicably, all four of our A/C units (two main, and two wall units) stopped working within days each other.

All of which resulted in a temporary downward spiral of no income, dwindling resources, and the inability to use my office to work, write, or help promote the book. And ultimately, the inability to pay for our basic needs such as electricity, health insurance, car repairs and even food.

It’s a heckuva thing this journey of faith, not only in taking each step with a total dependence on God, but in the task of remaining credible witnesses by sharing the experience – warts and all – with everyone.

Some call it foolishness; we call it faith – the paradoxical dividing line between all that pleases God, and all that cannot. On one side we see a fool who claims to be led by God, yet he can barely afford to eat. On the other we see a God who makes fools into authors, and then requires them to continue practicing what they preach.

It’s a heckuva thing indeed, with a price tag that is hard to concede. Unless, of course, we first believe that there is no risk when we fully allow the Spirit of God to lead.

Next up:

Plenty of good news about what God has done these last few months, what we have learned from it, and where He is leading the journey of The Extravagant Fool – The funny red book that takes the risk of irritating some, for the sake of inspiring, encouraging, and offering hope to an entire culture of believers. Come along and see what happens next.

For a free preview of the book, Chapter One is available at Amazon and Extravagant by clicking the “Book Preview” tab.

For updates, please join us at our Website, Twitter, Facebook/Kevin Adams, and Facebook/Extravagant Fool

Warm Blessings



About Kevin Adams

Kevin Adams is a fresh voice among today’s best Christian writers. What he’s not, however, is a pastor, theologian or pulpit preacher; he doesn’t have a church, a fan club, or a flock. He’s just a regular guy with a powerful story, and a God given gift for sharing it that will challenge the faith of even the most seasoned, veteran believers. His transparency and intentional, elevated writing style has earned him a trusted reputation across the online Christian community. His work escorts readers through his own challenging experiences of loss, betrayal and impossible odds, to just beyond the comfort level of most Christians–the place where absolute faith is required. Kevin takes a genuine approach to modern Christianity that would rather tear away empty pockets than fill them with empty promises. Yet, his story is filled with indisputable proof of our Heavenly Father’s better-than-we-can-imagine desire for each of us, and the delight He takes in our learning to rest in His arms like happy children. Kevin is the author of The Extravagant Fool: A Faith Journey That Begins Where Common Sense Ends, due for release May 6th 2014, and founding partner in a new discipleship ministry being developed around the book. He is also the founder of the Wake up My Faith blog, which has garnered a social media following of over 80,000, reflecting varied backgrounds and locales. Kevin’s life verse is Matthew 6:33 – “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you”. (NKJV) And his philosophy on life can be summed up in a single thought: “Only when God becomes all that we want do we truly see that He is all we need.” –Kevin Adams 2012 Kevin is husband to Holly, his beautiful partner in faith, father to three wonderful children, and a compelling new author for Zondervan.
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42 Responses to Some Call it Foolishness. We Call it Faith.

  1. maweierbach says:

    Kevin, your story continues to inspire me, you have incredible faith and incredible guts both of which I admire very much…stay on your path…

  2. Very Good, only when God calls someone to come IN His Holiness with Christ, that believer can see the Truth of God. My experience is that no one can experience Truth of God really witout going the Way of Faith and loose everything first…

    • Kevin Adams says:

      Thank you Cornelius for taking time to share and encourage. After six years of this journey, I would have to agree that we can only be credible witnesses of His goodness by fully depending upon it alone, and by experiencing it, firsthand. Thank you and God bless you!

  3. HisJules says:

    I can’t wait to see what God does next in your story. You and your family are so inspiring. Stay the course.

  4. Truly inspiring, I’m so blessed and encouraged as I’m also serving God and living by faith in him to supply all my needs, God bless you.

    • Kevin Adams says:

      Thanks brother, I believe God is waking up His body for radical intimacy with Him. The cost is authentic faith, but the rewards are beyond expression. Let us both keep going! Blessings to you!

  5. John Fox says:

    …hmmmmm…let’s see, is attack (in this case) spelled with a big “A” or a small one

    • Kevin Adams says:

      Amen John, and that is exactly how we see it. Thanks for the reminder. There is much good news to share also, but in the name of integrity, we have to first share the difficulties (attacks) as well. God bless you my friend!

  6. kristenzuray says:

    I understand completely. My husband and I have and are living the same way right now. The betrayal of friends over something you right, the slander, the no income – (our family was freezing with no heat), but it is all done in the name of sharing Christ with the drug addicted and homeless. Long story, but I know what you are going through. One thing I know, is that God will make all of this beautiful in ways that we can’t even imagine – and when we look back, we will be able to say that walking by faith was worth it all! Keep encouraged!

    • Kevin Adams says:

      Thank you Kristen, and amen! We are constantly reminded that childlike faith, most often requires courageous patience. I’m sure the heroes of scripture would agree. God bless you. And let us both keep going with joy, just as He leads!

  7. Hi Kevin! Leaving us hanging to hear the rest, huh? 😉 You have skills for fiction, my friend! Can’t wait to hear the rest and will step up my prayers for you and your family. We should email soon. I would like to ask you a question. (That’s my suspense fiction side coming out too!)

    • Kevin Adams says:

      Fiction huh – why not? 🙂 Yes! Of course! Lets catch up! Thanks you for your continued love, encouragement, and prayers for us, my friend. You are a blessing. Will email.

  8. I’m sorry for what you are going through. God will vindicate you in His time. I know the pain of the wait. I know the pain of the want. I know the pain of the insults and financial struggles. Praying you continue to shine your light even in what might feel like darkness in your own circumstances. Thank you for your faithfulness and obedience. Praying for you all.

    • Kevin Adams says:

      Thank you Susan, I know you can truly identify, and therefore your prayers are coveted. And He is at work in incredible ways even as we speak! Hoping to share this as well over the coming weeks. God bless you my dear friend.

  9. LaTanya Davis says:

    Reblogged this on LaTanya A. Davis.

  10. LaTanya Davis says:

    Kevin, I am so encouraged by your story. I thought about 1 Cor 2:14 – But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness … for they are folly to him, and he cannot know [them] because they are spiritually discerned. I’ve been walking by faith for the last two years, just putting one foot in front of the other. Count it all joy!

    • Kevin Adams says:

      Amen LaTanya! That is exactly it. We are pleased to walk with Him at any cost and to count the process as joy, knowing He is tutoring us by the Spirit for the good of others. And honestly, without a measure of suffering, there is no cross to pick up, and therefore would be no value to our words of faith. Please stay in touch, much more on the way – good news! Blessings to you!

  11. kenneth dawson says:

    you are so right–it can be a tough call to live under Gods control–it cost his son his death and his disciples suffered greatly–of course there were others that we do not know about–like the jailkeeper or others but never the less leaving our selves in Gods hands is the only way to fly for eternal values.

    • Kevin Adams says:

      Thank you Kenneth, your words are very encouraging. And even regarding the breakthroughs, it’s funny how scripture is filled with victories that came only at the behest of logic. Something we all need to pay close attention to. God bless you.

  12. Keep up the good fight brother. Our story is similar and some call it foolishness. Your blog encourage me! Thank you friend.

  13. Rachel says:

    Faith is the essence of things hoped for… as you said, you must come to place where nothing is more important (even food) than doing His Will. Praying for you and with you for God to get the glory.

  14. Julie says:

    Reblogged this on Anglican, Plain: My Life and the History of the World and commented:
    “Mainly because seeking comfort is logical (the unspoken rule of popular Christian culture), while seeking the will of God at any cost is not. So for those with the task of publicly displaying their burdens in the name of encouragement, the risk is great that some who hear will simply not listen beyond their own understanding, and miss the point entirely.”
    Kevin Adams

  15. Rob Allman says:

    Excited to read your new post! Faith vs Foolishness is a very thought provoking idea. As you are familiar with in the movie “Faith Like Potatoes” there is a line that reads -there is a thin line between Faith and foolishness… and I believe there is a lot of truth to this. Foolishness in this context is being “LUKE WARM” – not being able to understand the true definition of Faith and relying on the worldly definition which turns it into Foolishness and creates fear. People who see an authentic walk with God as foolishness are driven by fear and Faith is much stronger than fear! Your book is an authentic expression of Faith and I see your faith growing even stronger in the “now” and beyond and looking forward to more posts. His mystery is just as important as His revelation! (2 Timothy 3:10-17 comes to mind, Paul final charge to Timothy)

    • Kevin Adams says:

      Thanks Rob! Funny how our culture of comfort sees total dependence on God as risky, and quite often, unnecessary, while at the same time views wisdom as the fear of everything but the Lord. God bless you my friend, and thanks for you encouragement!

  16. Kevin – my wife gave me your book yesterday and I just finished reading it. I appreciate the story God is telling through the life of your family and it hits very (very) close to home. Your book has been an encouragement and undoubtedly will touch people many of whom you will never hear from or know of. Our job is to obey first and understand later…right 😉

    • Kevin Adams says:

      Wow, Dylan, I cannot express how deeply encouraging your thoughts are to me! Thank you for taking time to read the book, and for reminding us that He is at work in ways we may never get to see. Thanks for being a light! And stay tuned, there is much good news to share in upcoming posts. God bless you!

  17. chriswhitenc says:

    Kevin ~ like the autumn spices and fragrances of cinnamon, nutmeg and hazelnut, may the pressing and crushing all believers in Christ experience, be a wonderful taste and aroma of Jesus to those we come in contact with. We are among the great cloud of witnesses. Keep the faith. Jesus is the prize.

  18. laurabennet says:

    Wow! Even when we know there is an enemy hunting us down, we underestimate the attack. Thank you for your honest post! Our family is going through some similar attacks after stepping out in faith in a huge way. We’ve seen God do amazing things, but are still on the edge of the chasm looking into the abyss of uncertainty. But we are certain of who God is and his love and care for us. Your post is so timely and encouraging. It reminds me to be excited that the enemy wouldn’t feel the need to attack if we weren’t walking well in faith, and that God has a plan to overcome every situation or redeem it for good no matter how dire it appears. Praying for your family. Thank you!!

    • Kevin Adams says:

      Thank you Laura, for you faith as well as you encouragement. Holly and I have begun to look at the “uncertainty” as an adventure. And in that, we have much more to share about His goodness in the coming weeks. Thank you for taking time to share with us, and to join us in prayer. You are a sincere blessing.

  19. FiveCentFather says:

    Just found your blog today (because you followed me on Twitter). I love your message even if I don’t agree with you completely on all points. I apologize if you have heard this before, but one source of inspiration that I have received n my own life of holding to a life of faith over logic is a song that came out many years ago. It’s by Michael Card, and it’s called God’s Own Fool. It could easily be the theme song for your work.

    I’ll post the lyrics here for your enjoyment. You can listen to the song on Youtube..

    Seems I’ve imagined Him all of my life
    As the wisest of all of mankind
    But if God’s Holy wisdom is foolish to man
    He must have seemed out of His mind
    Even His family said He was mad
    And the priest said a demon’s to blame
    But, God in the form of this angry young man
    Could not have seemed perfectly sane

    We in our foolishness thought we were wise
    He played the fool and He opened our eyes
    We in our weakness believed we were strong
    He became helpless to show we were wrong
    So we follow God’s own Fool
    For only the foolish can tell
    Believe the unbelievable, come be a fool as well

    So come lose your life for a carpenter’s son
    For a madman who died for a dream
    And You’ll have the faith His first followers had
    And you’ll feel the weight of the beam
    So surrender the hunger to say you must know
    Find the courage to say I believe
    For the power of paradox opens your eyes
    And blinds those who say they can see

    So we follow God’s own Fool
    For only the foolish can tell
    Believe the unbelievable, come be a fool as well


    • Kevin Adams says:

      Thank you so much for taking time to read the post and offer those lyrics. They are a great reminder of 1 Corinthians 3:18 – the theme of my book, and burden for all the sleeping giants within the body. God bless you.

  20. mitchteemley says:

    Kevin, rooting for you, brother–there’s a reason it’s called a faith journey and not a faith saunter, eh? ;>) There are a few parallels in my own faith journey: Praying for–even more–great things for you!

  21. jesusrxlady says:

    I thank God his ways are not our ways and he is above understanding. I have to remember that when I start to question “where is the love” among those who claim to love God. We all want ” benefits” without sacrifice. When we are faithful in the hard times ( no need for that kind of faith in the time of plenty, right? ) we get to experience Gods faithfulness, peace, comfort and joy in ways the world doesn’t and can’t understand … YET, but by being the living example we can continue to live the life we were called by the Power of the Holy Spirit in us… And that produces much JOY. You know what that is. Through each struggle and triumph may we become more like Jesus. Such a timely read for me. Continue to step out in obedience , many lives depend on it! Gods richest blessings to you and your family… And yes he will bless abundantly!

  22. Awesome testimony! My husband and I are on a similar journey! My husband, after leading worship for more than 16 years, felt God calling us to Birmingham from our hometown 2 hours away. (You can read about that in my blog; Faith Without Borders) We took paycuts, lost friends and moved away from everyone and everything we have ever known to obey the voice of God. It has been a faith building move for sure!! We love it and are excited for the journey ahead!

  23. Pingback: Thoughts From an Evangelical Christian in the Wake of Tragedy

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